Fearless Homeschool

Fearless Homeschool

You must be wondering what is Fearless Homeschool?? 

Simply put it is an amazing online homeschooling support and education platform based in Australia and run by the amazing Micarle. We don't have to - and shouldn't be - doing it alone!

It was founded in 2016 by Kelly Kotanidis and in 2023 Micarle stepped in to continue the amazing community Kelly had built. 


"Homeschooling doesn’t have to be overwhelming, infuriating; or tedious – promise. I can help you find your way, whether you’re just starting out or you’re stuck in a homeschooling rut."



There are 3 main things that Fearless offer - ANNUAL online summits, a Membership platform and a inspiring newsletter!

What is the Fearless Homeschool ONLINE SUMMIT?

It is an annual, week long online summit with over 25 amazing presentations on all things homeschooling. You can attend the presentations online live and interact with the presenters, getting your questions answer right then and there or you can watch the recording at your leisure later. The presenters come from both Australia and in 2025 New Zealand as well - whoop! The presenters are Dads and Mums just like you, who are doing this awesome journey that is home education alongside you. Sharing what has worked, what hasn't and why! giving loads of inspiration and education along the way. The summits are an online home educators professional development! It is an investment in you so that you can come away refreshed and full of ideas for the year ahead.

The main annual summit for 2025 is coming soon! REALLY SOON

The Australian & New Zealand Homeschooling Summit:  3rd - 7th of March 2025

Grab your ticket for only $41 nzd, that is only just over $2 a workshop! what a BARGAIN

                                      Get your ticket today! HERE

There are going to be 2 mini summits later in the year so put the dates in your diary now.

The Teen Homeschooling summit - 10th-12th of June 2025

The DIY curriculum summit - 6th-8th of Oct 2025

What is the Fearless Homeschool Membership?

This is an amazing online community platform that is the best value for $ if you want to attend all 3 summits for 2025. BUT you will get so so so much more value as ALL of the previous Fearless Summits are on that membership and area available to watch - hundreds of videos packed full of insight, education and lots of laughter.

Also included is a fabulous community of both seasoned and new home schoolers to chat with, ask advice from and just hang out with. There are special monthly deals and often videos as well - just a fabulous place of learning and support.

It is the BEST value just if you want to catch the 3 summits for 2025 but you get so much more with access to all previous summits as well!

It is currently on sale for the fabulous price of $107 nzd  - normal price is $173

BUT you can also lock in the annual special price of $127 nzd!

Sign up to become a member of the Fearless Homeschool community HERE

What is the Fearless Homeschool Newsletter?

Simply put - it is a semi regular Newsletter straight to your inbox about what is happening within the Fearless Community, when the next summits are coming up, special deals and packed full of great information and inspiration.

Sign up HERE


You also may be wondering why Chris and I decided to partner with Micarle and help bring these amazing opportunities to New Zealand.

Chris and I have been looking into the HOW of doing NZ online summits for a few years now - what it would involve and how to do it properly. We discovered there is far more to it than meets the eye and it would mean a large investment of $ from us for the background tech side of things to do it and do it WELL. During that investigation we were introduced to Micarle and what she is doing with Fearless Homeschool and straight away we knew we had found something amazing. After chatting with her over zoom and the laughter that ensued, we knew we had found what we were looking for! Micarle was already doing what we were setting out to do and had access to incredible people within Australia who could share their knowledge and experience with us in NZ and we could do the same for Australia - bringing new faces and fresh perspective to the Fearless Homeschool Community.

Krystel first presented at the Neurodiversity Summit late 2024 and more conversations and laughter have happened since. What has previously been the Australian Summit is now The Australian and New Zealand Summit starting 2025 and we couldn't be prouder to be partnering with Micarle at Fearless Homeschool to help bring this amazing resource to NZ.

You are welcome to ask us questions, click on the links for more information and share this around!



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